The importance of good nutrition at school

Let's talk about it!

The importance of good nutrition at school

Let's talk about it!

It is a fact that eating healthy food is essential for the development of all individuals

Educational institutions are a special place, since they are part of the different stages of development from early childhood, a phase in which the eating habits that will follow students throughout their lives begin to be shaped. You may not know it, but nutritionists say that full-time school units must meet at least 70% of the daily nutritional needs of children and adolescents, divided into at least three meals. Planning the school menu, taking into consideration the culture and eating habits as well as the agricultural production of the region, will make all the difference for a better acceptance among the students.

Is it possible to eat and learn at the same time?

The experts emphasize that schools understand that the moment of eating can be an extension of the pedagogical proposal. By forming healthy eating habits with cultural, social and emotional values. Some schools have adopted the system of pre-selecting some options and giving students the power of choice. This promotes autonomy and better acceptance of food. Both public and private schools insist that guiding children and young people helps promote food and nutrition education so that they can make the best food choices to develop themselves better physically and intellectually. Many schools in partnership with their teachers have developed some strategies to promote good nutrition in a healthy and pleasurable way. These may include: Promoting activities related to food, cooking classes, talking about food and its origin in the classroom and obviously having the family as a main ally in this proposal of healthy eating.

What can I put in my child's lunch box?

You can start by adding some fresh fruit. Ask your child to pick his favorite one. The same thing for vegetables. The crunchy ones are the favorite. Of course they love dairy food, so you can put yogurt, milk or cheese stick, for example. Starchy food also works well, such as fruit bread, rolls or crackers. And the last, but not less important: Water! Children tend to forget to drink water and since you send it in their lunch box, they may remember to drink it.

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