Decorative Stickers

A simple solution to give your home a fresh and modern look!

Decorative Stickers

A simple solution to give your home a fresh and modern look!

There is no denying the satisfaction it gives when we decide to dedicate our time to make our home more cozy and with our face!

Among so many options such as renovations, the acquisition of more modern household items or even a reconfiguration of furniture, the feeling that we can improve our space never comes out completely.

Exactly for this reason is that the decorative stickers can add even more charm, beauty and humor to your home.

Check out:

Decorative stickers are very easy to use, and a more economical option to style your space.

It is not necessary any kind of professional help to apply it, in addition to being practical also in terms of cleaning.

And for a successful decoration, just find a balance between the chosen decorative sticker and the type of decoration of the environment.


Decorative stickers tend to last for a long time, however, their durability may vary according to the space in which it is.

In work environments such as offices, its duration can be up to 10 years, while in more humid environments such as kitchens, laundries or bathrooms, the decorative adhesive can wear out in less time, depending on the quality of the material.

When you decide to replace it, you will have no problems when removing it, since the quality decorative stickers have a very efficient technology in their glue to damage anything or as little as possible of your wall.

How to apply them correctly?

Instructions may vary between manufacturers, however, thoroughly cleaning the surface where the decorative adhesive will be applied is a general rule that must be followed.

Most decorative adhesives allow you to correct the application if it is bent or wrinkled, which is a great advantage for those who are not very familiar with the technique.

The possibilities are many!

It is possible to find decorative stickers for furniture and appliances, with different shapes, colors and even textures, including for the ceiling.

Another possibility is the mirrored decorative stickers, which offer a certain glamor with subtlety.

On the wall, there are options that imitate tiles or that serve as beautiful frames for family photos.

Cute and fun decorative stickers to decorate the children's room.

As you can see, decorative stickers are a great idea to decorate your home with creativity and make it incredibly renewed and even more beautiful.

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