Games to liven up your family Christmas

No sitting around on the couch touching your cell phone

Games to liven up your family Christmas

No sitting around on the couch touching your cell phone

I don't know about you, but I find those holiday parties depressing, where people, instead of talking, laughing or catching up, prefer the company of a smartphone.

It doesn't make much sense to me, as those moments become special because of the good memories they give. Of course, there are exceptions. I hear things from some people like "this family hasn't been together all year, what will you say now".

I know that some family gatherings can be "nightmares", but as this year we are still in the moment of not making agglomerations, and we will probably spend with whom we share the quarantine throughout this year, we can reflect and say that this situation, in general, helped and much to strengthen affective bonds.

Thinking about it, I decided to select some games that can liven up a lot, these celebrations so special for us and alongside those we love. Check out:

Image & Action - Grow

I remember seeing this game on several TV shows. One that made me die laughing was in an episode of the series "The Big Bang Theory" and is a hit at any event.

Imagem & Ação works like this: groups are formed and at each round, one of the group members has to draw, while the others try to guess what is being drawn. There is a board with colors that correspond to the teams. When throwing the dice, the team designer draws a card the color of his team and begins to draw.

Among the categories are: P of person, place or animal (as well as its parts and characteristics), 0 for object (things that can be touched or seen), A for action (verbs or expressions that designate an action), D for difficult (difficult words, of any category), L of leisure (titles of films, books, games, sports, artists, etc.) and T of all play (words of any category).

Mime Game - Star

Mimicking is always something to talk about. That's because depending on how the mimicry is done, an attack of laughter can happen at any time. Imagine the person, jumping, signaling or waving their arms. Hilarious isn't it?

Well, that game comes with 240 cards and an hourglass.

These cards are divided into 4 categories: I Am (people, animals, personal characteristics or body parts), I Do (phrases or expressions about actions), Entertainment (movies, drawings, characters, music and games) and Objects (things that can be seen, used or touched).

Mime game is the type of game for the whole family!

Mega Password - Star

I love this game! My husband and I have played several times and I have to say how much fun we have with him. Mega Password of the Star was developed based on a famous tv show.

It works like this: There are 4 rounds and two teams of two players, which have 30 seconds (which are marked by an electronic timer with the soundtrack of the TV), to set the greatest number of 5 passwords.

These passwords are random words. An example would be: your password is tomato, so you need to make your partner guess this password according to the tips you give, which can only be 1 word at a time. Then you can say: fruit> salad> sauce, etc ... Until your partner gets it right.

Battle of Generations - Grow

Battle of the Generations is a fun game between players of different ages. With challenges, competitions, questions and answers, players will be able to know and share a little of what they know, according to their personal experiences. There are 360 cards that are divided into answers, questions and challenges.

Uno Spin - Mattel

And to close with a flourish ... Uno Spin. This is the kind of game that animates even the most temperamental. It comes with this novelty which is a roulette wheel. It works like this: You play the Uno normally until the rotation card is played.

When that happens, someone has to turn the wheel. And this is where the twists and turns happen. An example is when it falls into the "Hand Exchange", where players must exchange cards with their left and so on.

Remember, these games are just the icing on the cake. Faced with such a peculiar year, it is a blessing to be with those we love and that makes these celebrations unforgettable moments!

You can find these and other super fun games on !

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